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H.E. Rym Al Falasy, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Motherhood & Childhood Pens a Letter to Children on the Occasion of World Children’s Day

H.E. Rym Al Falasy, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Motherhood & Childhood Pens a Letter to Children on the Occasion of World Children’s Day

To Our Children On the Occasion of World Children’s Day

Today in the UAE we are celebrating along with the rest of the world, “World Children’s Day” to mark the 34th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This particular day is an opportunity to highlight the importance of the rights recognized by the international community to children without distinction, and to measure the efforts that have been made and remain to be made on the path to their protection, their social integration and above all their wellbeing. It reminds us all of our immense task and responsibility as government officials, parents, relatives, teachers and educators to reassure children of our support in laying down the firm foundations to build a tolerant, prosperous and peaceful environment favorable to their development.

November 20 is also the occasion to think of less fortunate children and to remember that not all children enjoy the same chances and opportunities everywhere. Not all children have the chance to go to school, belong to a stable family or enjoy their rights. Growing inequalities, poverty, diseases, climate change and conflicts are in our world today pose the most acute challenges and are a real threat to children's rights.

In the UAE, children always hold a special place in our hearts and minds and has been at the forefront of the UAE’s agenda since its inception. State institutions at all levels have invested a great deal for their development by enacting protective laws, policies and strategies, which place children’s interest from early childhood to adolescence at the apex of their priorities. The country pursues a holistic approach based on an integrated system that takes care of children in all aspects of their lives, starting with healthcare, education, personal development, independent thinking, participation which are carried out through comprehensive initiatives. Such investments have transformed the lives of thousands of children in the country, enabling them to meet the challenges of tomorrow in accordance with our faith and cultural values.

The UAE’s commitments extends also to teaching children a sense of responsibility, namely that their future lies in their hands and can be brighter as long as they work hard and arm themselves with the will and determination to succeed. It is important for the Emirati children to understand that it is up to them, with the support of the State, their families and teachers, to seize the multitude of opportunities offered to ultimately become a reliable actor in society.

On this day, it is also important to highlight UAE’s efforts towards children worldwide, responding to appeals for donations from international organizations, such as UNICEF and UNHCR, or through initiatives like “From the Children of the Emirates to the Children of the World” that are geared towards directly helping children in less privileged countries to achieve their SDGs goals related to children’s rights. No matter what forms the aid takes, UAE ‘s objective is to bring relief and hope to children worldwide so that No Child is Left Behind.

In conclusion, I wish to invite all parents to continue to surround their children with great love and to cover them with care and protection so that they grow up in a family atmosphere marked by peace and harmony that help them to foresee their future with confidence.

Thank you.

Her Excellency Rym Al Falasy,

Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Motherhood & Childhood.